Sian Rose

Details: Sian Rose

[Javascript protected email address]
07438 426499
Telephone 2:
07459 231943
Incalls at a flat in King's Road, but mainly local outcalls
Town / City:
Islington - N1
Opening hours:
Sun-Mon 10am-Midnight Tues-Sat 10am-2am
Basic cost:
£250 for 1 hour
Incorrect information?

George's Overview

McCoy's View:

Sian is an interesting case, in so far as she started off feeling as though her clients owed her her living and she initially did not make the necessary effort to please them, but since then she has learnt from experience and pulled herself around very successfully and clearly can come up with a decent service when she makes the effort, which at long last seems to be most if not all of the time. Furthermore, she boasts a very desirable body and nowadays consistently both knows how to use it to please her clients and does so consistently.

A petite mixed-race lady in her early twenties

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