The first thing you need to know is that escorts aren’t prostitutes. Many people confuse these two even though there’s a clear difference between them. Escorts are actually people, mostly women, who charge for time spent with their clients. Their job is to spend time with people in need of their services. Escort services range from dinner dates, having coffee at the local cafe, all to traveling half-way across the world as a travel companion.
People who use escort services are either lonely or dissatisfied with their partners. This can be caused by a lack of sex, lack of passion or their relationship simply changed. Escorts are paid for their time, not for sex. The vast majority of escorts are young female students who offer their time in exchange for money to earn enough for their tuition or living expenses.
Now that we’ve cleared this up, we can talk about the types of escorts you can come across. All escorts can be divided into three main categories.
This type of escorts are girls and women who offer their company, a shoulder to cry on, listen to you and talk to you, go out with you to a club or bar, to dinner, or maybe even a road trip, all in exchange for money. The tariff depends on each escort individually. Escort agencies mostly have their own tariff set and fees that they take from each escort that works through them. This makes independent escorts cheaper, but on the other hand, they’re less reliable than escorts who work through an agency. Fortunately, there are thousands of reviews based on which you can decide which escort to hire.
If you are lonely and want to go out to dinner, but also share some intimate moments with a gorgeous and sexy woman, then these escorts are right for you. Where you go out and enjoy each other's company mainly depends on your agreement, and in rare cases, the escort already has certain places where she likes to be seen.
The date with an escort lasts usually about an hour or an hour and a half, after which you go to a more private place. The location can be at your place, a hotel, or at the escort’s place. You should define the place where you’ll end up with the escort when you call to arrange the date. This is really important because escorts need to know everything about the date and every place you plan on visiting during the date. Because you’re taking the escort out, it’s up to you to pay for drinks, dinner, cab fare, and possibly the hotel room you’ll be staying in. This makes this type of escorts a lot more expensive than you probably thought.
The last type of escorts are girls who see their clients only in privacy. Although these escorts are available to talk to and spend time with, clients usually hire them to share intimate moments. Most of the time, you’ll see on the profile whether an escort does incalls, outcalls, or both and it’s one of the things that’s non-negotiable. Either way, they don’t want to be seen for any reason and you shouldn’t even ask to be treated specially. When you meet the escort of your choice, don’t expect sex to start right away. You should chat a little and get to know each other and only after that, you should have sex. There are also some rules on how to treat an escort you should check out before meeting an escort.
Most people who are looking for sex with an escort are people who are in a relationship but are dissatisfied with their partner or have a partner who is not ready to try new things, talk about their kinky sexual fantasies, etc.
Most of these people choose Asian escorts because they are more willing to try new things or have already tried something kinky. They act like exotic pornstars who are ready to do anything to satisfy their clientele, and that is why Asian escorts are so popular. Clients who ask for such kinky escorts are people who enjoy things showed on porn sites such as
Asian escorts are submissive, elegant, and don’t wear a bunch of makeup. They are natural beauties who do not need a ton of makeup or beauty enhancers. Asian escorts without makeup look like dolls. They are fun but also very professional, especially Asian MILF escorts. Most Asian women seem very young, but don't let that confuse you, they are very experienced in their job and know exactly what they need to do to fully satisfy their clients.
A Spanish forum about putas and escorts in Spain. Pretty good discussions and reviews on escorts at Tarragona and Barcelona escorts and the vibrant adult nightlife of Madrid escorts. ForosX board is one of the best sources of information for new Spanish whores.