
Details: Roxanna

[Javascript protected email address]
(001) 305 771 3089
Discreet rented apartments wherever
Town / City:
Boca Raton
Opening hours:
Basic cost:
$300 for 1 hour
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George's Overview

McCoy's View:

A much reviewed South American lady, who has been entertaining now since 20025, Roxanna, who has also used the name Tiffany in her time, is a reasonably versatile lady being happy delivering an intimate oral service, though she is not prepared to allow it to conclude orally or come up with any Greek services. She does boast a delightful body however and clearly her clients have been impressed by it enough to submit plenty of satisfied reviews. A useful part of the Boca Raton scene.

An attractive very busty blonde Latina lady in her thirties

Reviews of this provider

Erotic Monkey1810
The Erotic Review173201