
Details: Rose

(001) 650 208 6591
Discreet hotel and motel rooms and local outcalls
Town / City:
San Mateo
Opening hours:
Most of the time by appointment
Basic cost:
$180 for 30 mins
Incorrect information?

George's Overview

McCoy's View:

Rose is a competent escort, who knows what is expected of her and who wastes little time on pleasantries, and is one who will get on with the action as soon as the financial formalities have been concluded. She could do with losing a little weight, but all in all will deliver an enjoyable service and clearly wants her customers to be sufficiently pleased with her efforts to make use of her services on further occasions. A useful addition to the San Mateo scene.

A curvy Latina in her late thirties

Reviews of this provider

The Erotic Review010
Erotic Monkey1820